At least in theHunter we previously reviewed, if you shot a bison with a standard rifle you’ll piss it off and perhaps get trampled. You can only use predetermined weapons on a certain animal type. We thought we were being clever by getting all the permits in one area. Another thing that exacerbates the feeling of alienation for a new player is the fact that most of the rules are hidden in a wiki at your hunting lodge. These all cost ingame currency, just as all weapons and accessories do. To shoot a particular animal you’ll need a permit for that animal type. Two of these were from the mandatory unskippable tutorial that shows up even if you’ve done it before.
Hunting simulator 2 all animals plus#
If you include our second save where we got a better idea of what was going on and played to suit, we ran around for ten plus hours and killed a mere ten animals. Yet they retain perfect line of sight and peg it at the first opportunity. Part of the problem is that Hunting Simulator 2 concentrates on the scenery to such an extent that you’ll do well to spot any damn animals. The only thing that kept us sane was our ever present dog who was tracking for us. In our six hour stint before we restarted we had walked more than marathon distance, analysed almost two hundred animal tracks and apparently spotted eighty seven animals. Get used to a whole lot of nothing as HS2 does a nice line in very sparsely populated woods and wilderness. After a couple of evenings play, our save file had six hours on it and we’d shot six animals total on it. You may even spot an animal if you’re lucky. The first environment in Colorado you’ll likely explore is all very verdant and lush.

You’ll be glad of his company, put it that way. You’re already gifted a dog as a companion during the tutorial.

Your first task is to get a weapon of sorts. After an at best perfunctory tutorial, you’re thrown straight into the game proper. We came into Hunting Simulator 2 with the very best intentions. We have to confess it passed us by originally. Something of an about face from ETRC by the same developer, though they did release the first of these games in 2017. Now known as Nacon, they bring us Belgian developer Neopica’s latest in Hunting Simulator 2. RIP Bigben Interactive, we barely knew ye.

Hunting simulator 2 all animals Ps4#
Jin PS4 / Reviews tagged hunting / nacon / neopica / walking simulator by Ian